Apr 18, 2006 18:27
i'm so freaking tired. no matter how much i sleep i still feel dead.
and my knee freaking hurts. i basically hate it.
my mom asked me if i wanted to go back to see my specialist and get a cortizone shot or something.
but i don't know. i'm so sick of it. why couldn't the surgery have just frikkin worked.
on a different note...
i went to visit uwm/peck this morning.
i liked the campus and their photography tracks sound prettysweet.
i hope i hear back from admissions soon. its been like 3 or 4 weeks since i applied.
i probably won't be able to get into the dorms though so i'll have to find an apartment.. eh.
i just want to graduate.
i think i'm going to go read and probably take a nap before work.
then i'll probably just work on my photo projects and go to bed early tonight.