[Sherlock Holmes ACD] --- No time to rest

Feb 28, 2015 10:16

Title: No time to rest
Theme: Watson's Woes Challenge 27
Author: Alaylith
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD
Characters: Watson
WordCount: 221
Summary: He is just so tired...

A/N: When the challenge was posted at the beginning of February I was so excited. There were so many plot bunnies running around and I could not wait to get my bait. It ( Read more... )

fanfiction, sherlock holmes, drabble/ficlet

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Comments 17

winryweiss February 28 2015, 13:03:01 UTC
That's our Watson! Down the weather, death-tired and still putting others above his own comfort. Holmes shall better appreciate it and coerce him into rest before his good doctor collapse.


alaylith March 1 2015, 08:05:41 UTC
Well, considering how unobservant Holmes can be when it concerns his doctor, it might very well take a collapse for him to see it. ^^


stellinia February 28 2015, 13:23:44 UTC

Aw, hope you get better soon dear! I think we can all sympathize with what you and Watson are going though. Thanks for the read :*


alaylith March 1 2015, 08:06:38 UTC
Thanks, I hope so too... :)
Watson and I need a good few days of rest. ;)


tardisjournal February 28 2015, 15:36:10 UTC
Poor Watson, determined to solider through, because that's who he is. I hope Holmes takes one look at him and sends him off to bed with some hot tea (or maybe a whisky) and lots of blankets. :)

I'm sorry to hear you had such an awful month! March is almost here--surely it will be better.


alaylith March 1 2015, 08:09:26 UTC
Hopefully Holmes it not too wrapped up in his newest case to miss Watson's bad health!

I fear March is not going to be much better - the biggest wave of influenza is still to come! oO


only_po February 28 2015, 15:47:37 UTC
:( Poor Watson! Hopefully Holmes will both see and observe, and give him a rest!


alaylith March 1 2015, 08:11:03 UTC
Originally that was planned for the ending, but when I reached the moment for Watson to open the door I already had over 200 words and so a caring Holmes did not fit in the ficlet anymore. XD


methylviolet10b February 28 2015, 16:21:33 UTC
Poor Watson! He's soldiering on as always and suffering even more for doing so. Hopefully Holmes will take Watson's exhaustion and ill-health into account, and have him help on this next case by doing something that requires Watson to sit quietly reading by the fire-side, with a nice pot of tea nearby.

I'm so sorry to hear you've been ill. It's been a bad month for colds, flus, and general ick. Feel better soon!


alaylith March 1 2015, 08:14:45 UTC
Watson's too clever for that - he would immediatly see through it and be affronted when Holmes does that. ;)

No, I think the most effective way for Holmes to get Watson to rest would be to say "Please". ^.^

Yeah, it's horrible at the moment with the sicknesses. One school was even closed down last week for a few days, because half of the students and teachers were sick. oO


methylviolet10b March 1 2015, 17:01:57 UTC
Yikes! It's been a bad year for sicknesses, but it sounds like you're getting hit worse than most. I hope you can get lots of rest and that you (and everyone else) feels better soon. Threaten to cough all over your bosses if they make you work while sick! ;-)


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