Title: Take care
Theme: July Writing Prompt 2014 #28 - July 28
Prompt: It's All in the Details. Obssesive Compulsive Disorder, either diagnosed or not.
Author: Alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC (S1); based on ACD's "Silver Blaze"
Characters: Mycroft, (Sherlock, John)
WordCount: 436
Summary: Mycroft goes to the hospital, because Sherlock did not annoy him after John caught an infection. And that worries him.
Mycroft wanders through the darkened hallways of the hospital as if he owned the place, his umbrella swinging at his side like an old fashioned walking stick.
He rarely comes to the hospital, neither he nor Sherlock are quite the sentimental type. Sherlock wants to keep his vigil at the doctor's bedside alone and there is almost nothing Mycroft can do for him.
It is not the company of his brother that Sherlock wishes for and Mycroft knows well not to intrude where he is not welcome.
But when Mycroft called for his daily check up today, he was informed that John had caught an infection and developed a high fever.
It did not take long for Mycroft to find the young nurse responsible for it and he made sure that such a mistake will not happen again.
The infection, while worrisome, is not a bad one and the fever should vanish within the next few days.
What worries Mycroft is that Sherlock did not call him.
Sherlock should have texted or called the moment he found out that a nurse was the cause for John's infection, insisting that Mycroft removes that woman from John's care.
He might also have demanded for John to be placed in a more qualified hospital or something like that.
Sherlock can be quite annoying when he is worried, especially if he is worried about John (even though he would never admit it).
But Sherlock did not call and that can only mean he did not find out the true cause.
And Mycroft worries about what other cause Sherlock found for John's infection.
As Mycroft reaches the door and silently opens it, he has to sigh sadly at the sight.
John sleeps uneasily, his face flushed beneath the bandage and a painful frown twists his lips.
At the other side of the room Sherlock stands with his back to the bed, vigorously washing his hands with the upmost concentration.
His face is blank, but there is an expression of utter desperation visible in his eyes, as he continues to rub his hands raw with hot water and soap.
Apparantly Sherlock assumed that it was his fault and now makes sure that his hands are as clean as possible before he allows himself to touch John.
Looking from Sherlock's frantic washing to John's restless sleep, Mycroft can only shake his head and enters the room fully.
On most days Sherlock may not need him, but on some days only a big brother can knock sense back into that stubborn idiot's head.
And that is something Mycroft will always be willing to do.