Title: Blushes
Theme: July Writing Prompt 2014 #24 - July 24
Author: Alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC (S1); based on ACD's "Silver Blaze"
Characters: John, Sherlock
WordCount: 221b
Summary: For the first time John is allowed to leave his hospital room and he does not know where Sherlock is taking him.
A/N: Tomorrow's ficlet will come late, as I am gone all day doing stuff (including going into How to train your Dragon 2 ^.^) and I might even miss it. So hopefully tomorrow's prompt will be an easy one so I can at least quickly write something small. ;)
"Sherlock, slow down!"
Sherlock, grinning madly, ignores John and continues to push the wheelchair quickly.
He is going directly over the meadows of the small gardens instead of following the paved paths and as such it is quite a bumpy trip for John.
But John is just happy to be outside and as long as Sherlock does not push him into any trees, he could care less where Sherlock is taking him.
Speaking of...
"Sherlock, where are we going?" John asks for the third time, not really expecting an answer.
"Here," but Sherlock answers and spins the wheelchair around.
Suddenly John is right in front of a green allée, the trees and bushes even cover it with a roof.
It is so long that you can not see the end of it and the light shines softly through the leaves, creating patches of light and shadows.
It is just immensly beautiful and John just has no words for it.
Sherlock's proud grin softens to a smile and he slowly and carefully starts to push John through it.
After a few minutes of silence John is finally able to find his voice.
"If this is your idea of a date, I must admit it actually works."
And as John looks back over his shoulder he is amused to see that Sherlock blushes.