Back again

Oct 21, 2010 09:46

A year without any posts! And no one missed it, did you? ;)

Ah well, nothing happened in that time - so it's not important.
But then, why am I posting again? Did something interesting happen now?

Yes, I did some really foolish thing - I sold my soul. Really, I did.
I am a participant of NaNoWriMo 2010.

How the hell ( Read more... )

sherlock holmes, story

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Comments 6

kcscribbler October 21 2010, 10:45:29 UTC
*fistbump* I know right? We'll be so dead come Decemer 1st, but it'll be so worth it. ^_^ I added you as a NaNo buddy, hope you don't mind. :)


alaylith October 21 2010, 10:52:29 UTC
I think I am already dead just with the planning now...
Atm I believe this will be my first and my last time participating. XD

Ohhhh, I am totally going crazy because on one side I am totally happy and giddy and on the other side I am totally nervous and panicky.
Everytime I think about it I get sick to the stomach and this really weird flutter in my chest.

I assume that is a good feeling...
Or should I tell my parents to call an ambulance?

It's my pleasure! Re-adding you as well then. :)
Besides seeing that we are buddies, is there anything special to it? As I said, first NaNo ever so I have no idea. xD


kcscribbler October 21 2010, 10:54:28 UTC
Nah, not really, we just can see each other's word counts. Last year mine stayed at like 1500 for the first week and then skyrocketed, so don't be alarmed. ^_^


endgegner07 October 21 2010, 14:43:38 UTC
I for one am glad you're back :)
I'm not doing NaNo (to be honest, I haven't written anything in ages^^) but I'll totally read your story!

Who needs a sould anyway *shifty eyes*



alaylith October 21 2010, 16:26:37 UTC
I haven't written anything in ages, too (besides the child-challenge at Watson's Woes).

But I was so facinated as I learned about NaNo last year through KCS (StarTrek/Sherlock Holmes Xover), that I wanted to try it myself this time.

I had this idea for a story for about 2-3 months now, but was never able to write it and I was thinking about making it a oneshot just to get it out of my had.
Now with NaNo it's going to be a full blown story (quite possible my longest story ever). oO

I hope that if I don't make the 50k mark, I at least will be able to finish the story. ;)

Going to post the first stuff about it in the next few days, like title, summary and so on. ^^
And the warnings... it will be a dark one...

Btw, at Watson's Woes - can we post stories where the hurt!JohnWatson parts appear later in the story? Then I would be able to post this story there, too, 'cause there will be John whumping along the way. XD


endgegner07 October 21 2010, 19:11:16 UTC
Yes as long as you mention that there will be later in the summary, sure ;)


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