
Jul 16, 2019 16:15

It's been a six month roller coaster, but I think we're finally getting keys to our new flat in a few days' time. This information has come at us at quite short notice, so we won't actually be moving in for a couple of weeks, but... well. We're nearly there.

At which point, of course, we'll lose t'internet for a month or so. And never have any money to go out ever again. But hopefully I'll be able to share some photos in the not too distant future. Buscemi will become an indoor cat, but at 14 and-a-half, I think she's going to be fairly unconcerned about that. I won't be able to walk to work along the river, but I was getting a bit lazy about that in any case. It's all going to be great. I just wish it hadn't taken so long that all the joy got beaten from us halfway through the mortgage application.

I've spent the last few months translating 1920s pulp French thrillers at breakneck speed - my record was 10 days. I've now got five Chantecoq novels ready to publish in English for the first time, I'm collaborating with a friend to bring out a sixth, and I'm halfway through the seventh and eighth. I look forward to finding out whether I've wasted an entire six months of my writing life...

How are you?

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