My Thoughts Into Religion

May 07, 2005 03:01

This took many years, mainly because I was afraid from going away from my previous religious teachings. Finally I stepped back and looked at what I was taught, and thought about the meaning of the bible, church and the rituals we go through to preserve them. My first real break through came last year as I watched the movie Gandhi. Never knowing really who this man was or what he did, I was overwhelmed by his deeds. I remember hearing Gandhi say he was Buddhist, Islamic and a Christian. I couldn't help but wonder how a man like this would be saved and brought to heaven by Christian standards. After a few minutes I said to myself that there was no way he couldn't be brought to heaven. He did so much for people, he gave up his wealth, his health, his life to free a people. Now if this isn't the will of God, what is? Why would God allow Gandhi to go to hell, and let me go to heaven? It didn't make sense. Surely this man is closer to the entity known as God than I am.

After deciding that the particular faith of a man doesn't determine their ultimate fate, I wondered what did determine their fate? And more importantly now, how does the Bible fit into all this? I mean, it is the most sacred book that was the absolute truth. Now, if you take a step back you can see that most religions have the same set of primary rules, no killing, no lying, no cheating etc. These are great rules, however they don't always apply to life. Because life is really very very grey. And if I was a god, I would also want to direct my creations to aspire to greatness. It makes sense to have these rules to make a guideline for all human life. Not to hold humans back, but instead to make them better as a whole. Now we look at the Bible, was it really written by God? In my view it at the most was divinely inspired by God, along with many other things. And if you see the Bible in this way, it is easy to tell that the Bible wasn't meant to be the absolute truth. It was meant as a guide to live your life. To look so deep into the Bible and argue over it is irrelevant. What did Abraham do without the Bible? He was even closer to God than many of the preachers now. It is because of one simple reason, God is in the world, he is in everything. If you water him down to only in the Bible and in the church then you are missing a big part of the puzzle. Jesus came to take our sins away, not our brains. Let's look at two people hypothetically. Let's say they're males and the both have a wife that they never cheat on, both never killed anyone, you get the picture. Both men were good and honest people but one was a Christian and one was Islamic. Both die and are judged, now if they lived about the same lives and both had a genuine goodness in their heart, why would one get in over the other one? Yes, I can make up plenty of reasons too. Just for a moment be God, the all mighty God who created humans. Would you send the Islamic man to hell? In the grand scheme of things, would that be just? Would it be right?

Of course you will have doubters. People who think that in no way could we be able to think like God. I'm sorry to say this, but I believe we can, and that is our ultimate goal. To be like God, I believe that is an undertone in the Bible itself. If you agree with this then you're in for a real shock. If we were meant to be like God, and do the things he does, and begin to see the world as he sees it ( I use he loosely because I don't believe God is male or female), wouldn't he want us to be able to create life as well? All these unethical experiments and research we have planned now doesn't seem to far fetched. I'm not saying that I morally agree with them, but I am starting to think that it is inevitable. And I know that most won't get what I’m talking about, but studying to be an Electrical Engineer I have seen the basis for logic circuits, and the programming that makes everything run. It seems a lot like how the human brain works, little ones and zeros moving around our brain telling us what hurts, what doesn't hurt, what is right and what is wrong. And isn't it interesting that the future of electronics is in organic circuits. Yes living tissue that will run as a computer. It kind of makes you think that in the future if we will be able to actually create a brain using our knowledge of circuits, and if we made a civilization how would the look at this "brain" when they looked at it. Maybe the same way we see the brain now? Wouldn't you say that it would be hard for someone to back engineer something as complicated as a brain without understanding where it came from in the first place? Take it as you will, I'm only thinking, testing the preconceived notion of our existence.

So what now? Religion is fake? It doesn't matter? I'm not saying that at all. What I am trying to say is that you should be open minded, and be respectful to other cultures. Because in the end you might be wrong. Religion has done many good things, but people use Religion to do a lot of evil. Be mindful of what you are told, and use your own mind to decide. If not you might be in church every Sunday telling others that they are evil and going to hell. All the while you won't understand what the hell is going on in the world, and how you factor into it. The world isn't bad, the world is God's creation. How boring would it be if everyone was a Christian, think of all the cultures that would be destroyed, all those points of view lost. Just maybe, the end of the earth really isn't coming, maybe we have that prophecy so we try and live each day like our last, to enjoy every minute here on earth.
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