Jan 31, 2005 18:47
OH MAN!!! Today was one hell of a one, I'll inform yuo. I believe I've met a mate for me!
Well, not true. but it would avebeen exciting. would have
further more, to gerald,come by my house, and pick up your dammned aluminium can, or it will be recycled.
I was reading about the recycling buisness today actually, asnd this was my truly exciting noise I think my career path is cleared, the trees cut down and the underbrush burn, any strenuous vines rended asunder with machete or Bowe knife. Greta was extremely instrumental in this, her burlier than girlier arms made a fine weapon of choice.
Or would, that is. THe jungle is not my play ground too save yet. I've still got some growing to do. mehh-heh
A Ray Romano is in the room he cackles dumb. Very dumb. more on this later
Everyone, calm down a loitttle, eh/