okay, apparently i can't make a poll.
so here's the deal:
we're designing an RPG and the rest of the guys wanted to nuke the female character. i ended up taking her and having to do her backstory and design. they argue that skirts would be impractical for her fighter job-type, although she uses melee type weapons. i've gotten some feedback already that she looks too boyish in the pants and that the skirt is actually the best idea. so here i stand.
please comment in response, stating your gender and opinion. i'm especially looking for female gamers who can give feedback on whether or not her design would be a good one as the only girl in the game (nothing i can control, it's getting ridiculous). good/bad whatever.
i forgot to mention, she's 12. the game is workingly titled 'kids in the mall' and she's the eldest. i guess that's kind of important. i was trying to finish before the library filled up, but ditched that.