the lord told noah to build an ark

Sep 09, 2008 11:59

I'm having one of those days where I'm cranky and irritated and generally discontent with humanity, especially soaking wet humanity wielding oversized, pointy umbrellas on New York City sidewalks in the midst of the Great Deluge.

I had to go out and run an errand earlier. PERFECT timing. By the time I got home I was cartoon-character-drenched, the kind of drenched when you have to take your shoes off and literally pour water out of them. This didn't bother me so much (even though the elevator is down again and I had to squelch up four flights of stairs), because it's warm out. What DID bother me was the smallish woman standing in front of the bank, totally blocking the entrance. Picture this: I tried the door on the left, which, being the exit, wouldn't open. She stared at me. I edged toward the door on the right. Please keep in mind that it's POURING, and she's just standing there, under her umbrella, because she doesn't want to get wet. After a few seconds she edges about four inches to the right. I grab the door and start to open it. She edges over maybe another two inches. Well, I obviously won't fit through that gap, so I keep pulling, and instead of freaking MOVING OUT OF THE WAY LIKE ANY RATIONAL INDIVIDUAL WOULD HAVE DONE, she lets me squish her up between the door and the side of the building. Then, as I go inside, she shouts at me, "I think you are very unpolite!"

My internal, bitchy, pedantic response was, "Hey, nice grammar." For once in my life I didn't apologize. I said, "You can't just stand there and block the whole door!"

And that was that, but now I'm wondering if I'm actually a morally bankrupt person who has fooled herself into thinking she's a pretty decent person. I mean, I did basically shove this woman up against the building and pin her there with the door. I don't think I would have done this had I not been wearing jeans that were already soaked to the knees. Thoughts?

Duddy, I see you laughing.
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