Nov 20, 2009 16:20
November is National Novel Writing Month, and I've been head down cranking out the prose every day so far. I just broke the 45,000 word mark, 90% complete, so I'm into the home stretch. At least as far as NaNo is concerned -- most markets for the genre I'm writing in are looking for more in the 75k to 100k range. That's okay, my novel will shoot past 50k just finishing up loose ends, and I have a lot of backfill to do.
Making that kind of progress is tough slogging; I want to have a usable first draft, not fifty thousand words of stream of consciousness babbling. So I find myself doing research, or plotting, in time when I could be writing. The upshot is a lot of very late nights getting my daily wordcount quota in. You know it's time to go to bed when you notice that you've been typing the name of your starship, the USS Heinlein, as the Heinekin. Maybe I should look for product-placement sponsorship. ;-)