LOTR Limited Edition DVDs (2)

Sep 03, 2006 09:58

The TTT DVD is hilarious - lots more hobbitses playing naughty games. beizy has a huge number of screencaps which she has been thoughtful enough to combine into a zip file - see here.

One thing puzzles me, though - Billy says that he sent Dom out for Haagen Daaz icecream. "I told him double chocolate... he brought back macadamia nut. I don't like macadamia nut."

Now, those of use who went to ORC2006 in January remember Billy talking about icecream, and I distinctly remember him saying that he doesn't like chocolate icecream. I don't have video, but I'm sure he said something along the lines of "I like chocolate, and I like icecream, but I don't like chocolate icecream. Odd, that. I like icecream with nuts."

Now, have I completely mis-remembered or has he done complete reversal?

billy, lotr

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