Fic fragment

Dec 30, 2004 09:25

Well, having done two-fifths of stuff-all on my elfslash fic in the last 12 months, I have determined to get my finger out and actually write this year.

Oh well, to start off with, this is a fragment from the Interlude following Ch 5 (which is still only 2/3 completed)

Interlude: Bad News

Lothlórien: III 2511 spring.

"I'm sorry Haldir." Malendal held out the small fold of paper, the seal unbroken. "I never had the chance to give it to him, or even to speak to him - I was never left alone for a minute. I think that the steward, Galion, had orders to watch me every second."

Haldir sighed. He hadn't really expected this attempt to succeed - none of the others had. He took the proffered paper and tucked it into his tunic.

"It's not your fault, Mal," he reassured the younger elf, who was looking very concerned. "Thranduil has decreed, and Thranduil will not be disobeyed. I was foolish to think that I could outwit him."

"I'm sorry," Malendal repeated. He paused, wondering if he should tell Haldir what he had seen.

"Haldir..." he began, hesitantly.

Haldir looked up, seeing the pain in Malendal's eyes. "What is it? he asked.

Malendal did not answer, but his continued silence and the pain in his eyes told Haldir what had happened just as clearly as if he had spoken. "He has a new lover."

"Yes." Malendal shifted his feet, needing Haldir to guess the rest, but knowing he could not.

Haldir wondered what could be worse than Legolas taking a new lover - something he had been expecting with every year that passed. "Is he... is he planning a marriage?"

"No, it's not that."

"Then what is the matter, Mal? You had better tell me. Though I can't imagine anything worse than marriage."

Malendal swallowed. Why was it that he could face goblins, orcs and wild beasts with glee, and yet shrink from this task?

"His new lover..." Malendal's voice trailed off.

Haldir tried to prompt him. "His new lover...?"

"... is a man."

"A male?"

"No. A man. A human man." Now that he had got over the worst of it, the words came tumbling out. "One of the line of Elros: his name is Aravorn. Apparently they met last year when they cleared the orcs from the misty mountains - Aravorn just turned up in Fuin Glad early last winter and Legolas greeted him like a long-lost friend. They've been inseparable ever since."

Haldir was stunned. A new lover - that was inevitable, given Legolas's beauty. He had been preparing himself to hear that he had a new love, another male, or even a female if he were to bow to his father's will. But a man? A hairy, ugly, mortal man? That was... disgusting. He felt sick.

He turned away without saying another word, and headed for the forest.

So... more work, more work.

ppp, fics

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