30 Weeks of Fanfic - Week 27

Jul 11, 2015 18:26

Week 27: Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?

Anywhere I can fit myself and my laptop. I have two principal locations at home, but sometimes I find it more productive to take the laptop/notebook out for coffee somewhere. While I was in Hawaii last year I spent 2-3 hours at a Starbucks over the road every afternoon and managed a lot of words. When I retired a few months ago I had the intention of walking a few blocks to a very nice coffee & chocolate shop a couple of times a week and writing there but I'm too lazy to get dressed most days (or I get sucked into World of Warcraft).

I used to write first drafts by hand and then edit as I typed it up. I still think better when I'm writing by hand, but I also like the flexibility that comes with writing directly into the computer, where I can jump around. I don't write chronologically so it helps to be able to slot scenes in wherever they fit rather than in the order I write them. (This is why so many of my scene headers include dates and times, by the way -- I need them so I can put everything in the right order.)

I do use Scrivener sometimes -- it's very useful for drafting outlines and blocking scenes, but I find that after a certain point I work better in a Word document. I don't use many of the additional features either (character sheets, reference files), though I probably should. Maybe next project.


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