Writing Update - October

Nov 01, 2014 16:27

Writing this month was hampered by various factors - sore wrists, incredible workload and researching everything I could find on Pavel Bure. I am going to have to make more effort learning Russian, since there is so much more information available on the Russian skaters in that language.

Completed in October:
It Always Comes As A Surprise: 3000 words. A timestamp in the 2DZ series. Not sure when it will be posted, probably not until after 2DZ1.

Worked on in October:

Paths Unconformable 2: Despite Reason: 1000 words. I started this fic a year ago so I should be on the home stretch by now, but I'm not. I really need to sit down and concentrate on it this summer or it will languish for another year. Still on track for around 80K when it's finished.

Two Divided By Zero 1: Go West: 1600 words, not even one chapter finished yet. It will go faster once I've got PU2 out of the way.

I did another 2000 words in various short fics (not counting the timestamp above) so that takes the total for the month to 7600 words. Not horrible, but not good either. I shall have to be more productive in November.


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