Jul 01, 2014 23:50
Not really happy with the amount I did the last couple of weeks. No motivation, no ideas, no words ... I really thought I would do better as the weather cooled down but I'm just vegetating.
Paths Unconformable 1: Therewith Instantly (SPN, Sam/Gabriel): 900 words; total now 35100 words. I was hoping to be able to finish this in time for my AO3 anniversary on 15th July ... it's looking doubtful but I'll persevere.
Go West (Hockey, Sid/Geno): 1700 words; total now 17000 words which sounds like a lot but in reality it's just a jumble of ideas. The research is fascinating, though.
Total for the month: 2600. :(
I started a short crack!fic after watching all the Die Hard movies but quickly realised it wasn't working. Looking back, nearly all the WIPs that got booted to the "abandoned" folder earlier this year had strong action plot elements. Conclusion: I am not an action writer. This does not bode well for a couple more fics I was planning, so I'll either have to move the action off-screen or ditch and re-plot. *sigh*
On the other hand, I am really good at writing non-con / torture scenes, which is pretty bloody frightening when you think about it.
Addendum: My total for FY 13/14 was 144,400 words which is quite respectable. I only posted 73,000 though, and since that includes all of the revised PANTOF (all but 4000 of which had been posted previously) and TTT12 (a lot of which had been written in 2010-11) I guess it's more like 33,000. Still, even that is better than nothing and more than I achieved for the previous two years.