The irony does not escape me ...

Nov 28, 2013 14:07

So a few weeks ago I posted about how I was running out of fanfic to read and had ventured into the Supernatural fandom because there is enough fic there to feed even my voracious reading appetite. Then I got attacked by the plot bunny that just won't bloody stop and I am 33,000 words into a three-part SPN Military AU/Sentinel & Guide fusion. Parts 1 and 2 are being written simultaneously (because the Sam/Gabe schmoop perfectly balances the Dean/Cas angst); the third part is still in embryo but will probably turn out to be Balthazar/Crowley. I'm averaging 1500 words a day which is absolutely unheard-of for me -- the last time I wrote this fast was FGB back in 2007 and most of that was because I was stuck in a country town for three weeks with nothing else to do.

The irony? I don't have the time to read any fanfic right now ...

spn, fanfic, writing

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