OMG these men are beautiful

Jun 30, 2013 17:08

So this is what happens when you spend 24 hours in Morphthing instead of writing or sleeping.

One of the projects I've been working on from time to time over the last year is a rescue!fic set in Lanna Michael's Barrayar Expects universe (which in turn is an alternative take on Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan novels).

The two main protagonists are General [Vorwyn] Hazelbright, Royal Barrayaran Navy, and Varadar Tau, erstwhile space bandit turned semi-respectable privateer. When Varadar Tau and his crew are captured by Dendarii pirates, it's up to Hazelbright to rescue them and bring them back home, confiscating VT's ship (imaginatively called "Boat") in the process. Lanna's description of the universe was "what if Star Trek and Stargate had a love child" which gave me a starting point, but obviously these pics don't represent her mental images. I'd love to see other people's ideas about how the characters should look.

General Hazelbright:

Varadar Tau:

After doing that I couldn't resist trying to capture Piotr Vortalon, whose principal descriptor is "pretty" (I think I got that bit right). There are other words to do with lips and eyelashes I'll leave you to discover for yourself.

Piotr Vortalon:

Sad to say, the fic won't be appearing anytime soon -- you know how slow a writer I am.

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barrex, fanfic

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