Jun 16, 2011 22:56
I never know what to call these entries...
Let's see what's new?
Movies -
Finally saw Pirates 4 - not bad, not great. I really did not think the 3d added anything except a headache. I'll probably get the dvd. Have not seen Thor or XMen yet, tho I want to. This weekend I will finally watch The King's Speech, which I bought ages ago, but I'll be with my mom so finally will get around to it. Tho, it's Father's Day weekend, which means we'll have to play some card games or something with Dad first so he'll let us sneak off and watch British movies.
Doing the 70 mile Ride to Montauk this weekend. It was an awesome time last year and I'm looking forward to it, but a bit nervous as well, since I've not had as much preparatory bike time as I would have liked. Anyway will take it slow, and look forward to the cheeseburger and pie at the end :)
I took monday off so I don't have to get back Sunday night and might have a bit of beach time Monday before coming back to the city. Also, farmstands! Strawberries!
work -
Let's not talk about it.
writing -
Let's not talk about it.
reading -
tonite I will finish the last few chapters of my reread of "A Feast for Crows". A moment of silence please. Amazon taunts me with "A Dance With Dragons" every time I go on, but it's already pre-ordered for kindle. *taps foot*
Otherwise finally finished the second Shadowmarch book (Tad Williams), and have "The Hunger Games" on the kindle (yeah, I'm late to that party), but I probably should finish my book club book first, which is "Freedom".
TV -
Doctor Who rocked. Game of Thrones has been rocking. I seem to have lost interest in Sanctuary - whenever I'm watching it I end up doing things online and loosing track of what's going on. maybe the season finale will grab me. Also started watching Nikita - three eps so far, and pretty good, tho i want to strap Maggie Q down and forcefeed her a pizza.
And the Mets just lost a game in the 10th inning (which they should have already won twice over) with a balk. FCOL. *looks for something to bang her head against*