bikes, allergies, and ambitious plans.

May 10, 2011 21:16

Work and allergies continue to conspire to kick my butt, however today was a day off. Unfortunately had a really really bad allergy attack yesterday/last evening (apologies again to all the people I sneezed around at set dance class), so today I was too medicine heady to enjoy much of it. No bike ride or walk/run. I had a doctor's appt in am (yearly physical, also scored free inhalers), spent the afternoon cleaning files off my old desktop computer which I am preparing to retire. I have big plans to turn my computer desk into a sewing/craft table. I think I will spend the rest of the evening watching the Mets blame the altitude, and reading "A Clash of Kings".

Tomorrow I have to be at the office at 0800 to get my new work computer, which is yay, as the old one, affectionately named $@, was falling apart in my hands. Tho, 0800 is wee bit early for my taste. I need to find that awesome Starbucks commuter cup that a certain Hungarian left at my house.

I ordered a new bicycle pump - I have a really really hard time getting enough air into the tires. After a certain point the air all hisses out. I was researching CO2 cartridges, but they scare me. Then I found this pump on amazon that has an attachment hose that's supposed to make a tight seal. It had several rave reviews which cited my problem and that this fixed it. So, we shall see. Next thing I need to get is a bike rack for the car - the bike fits in the back with the seats folded down, but then I have no room for people. Also, if I can transport other peoples' bikes, then I can make them come riding with me.

Managed a nice long ride Sunday after work. My new baggy bike shorts, if not the most attractive (but then, no bike shorts are attractive), are very comfortable, and have hidden pockets. I think I'll wear them on the Ride to Montauk; just need to decide which jersey to wear with them that will take the most inches off the waistline.

Let's see, anything else exciting happening? Got a couple busy weekends coming up music and dance wise, and then camping Memorial Day weekend.

and tonite I made cornflake chicken and mashed potatoes, which tasted so good I ate way too much...

ETA: I just realized I used "really really" twice in this post. My bad.

life the universe and everything

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