Last night I had one of those dreams where you discover extra rooms in your house that you never saw before. My dream self got all excited planning to decorate them, buy furniture, spread out my clutter. Of course then I woke up in the same old apartment. Not that my apartment isn't nice, mind, but more space in NYC is always an exciting thing. Perhaps I can persuade TehJerry to build himself a sleeping loft in the garage, so I can have his room for crafts.
Today is my day off (after much debate amongst Number 4 and the office staff, b/c I tried to be helpful - long story short, tomorrow is a holiday, and #4 was panicked that we had two many nurses on for the holiday, so I offered to switch, work today and be off tomorrow. This created mass confusion, and was finally resolved yest around 2PM that I would be off today and work tomorrow, as scheduled.), and my last day off before the catskills. I work the three day holiday weekend and then straight through next week, with my vacation starting next Sat. Whew.
Had hoped for a beach day, *sigh*. But the weather as totally expected is not cooperating. I don't mind some clouds at the beach, but being actually rained on is no fun, nor are the threatened thunderstorms - generally being in large open space near water in a t-storm is not a good idea, and besides they will kick you off the beach. And gas is creeping back up in price, for a wasted trip. So, no beach.
Toyed with the idea of spending the afternoon at Panera to write, but I have the apt to myself, it's nice and quiet, and since I'll be away for a week in a week, home time is good. I'll read a bit, write a bit, work on planning my next nano with all the fantasy building sites I bookmarked, etc. Also clean and cook dinner.
So, the weekend. Aside from work, I'm planning on a fireworks walk along the river in NJ with the AMC Sat. Sunday if it's nice I'm throwing the beachbag in the car and heading out after my last patient. If it rains I will go to church. So nice weather will surely mean I am meant to go to the beach, right?
There are two parties also scheduled, which I probably won't make as 1. work, and 2. I generally suck at showing up for big parties unless dragged by others. So let me say Happy Birthday in advance to
fshk, and Happy Going Away (wait that doesn't sound right. Sad Going Away? Happy party but not happy about the going away bit?) to