Apr 07, 2006 23:35
That's right. I have one whole weekend to wallow in self-absorbed activities before kicking it back into high gear for the next three weeks. To sum up the past week or three, I would have to say that my previous suspicions about my class being one large social experiment have proved true. But we pulled the whole thing off, and produced some of the best work I have seen come out of our class. Oh, and the re-accreditation team is visiting starting Sunday, so we had to completely clean the studio and fill the walls with our work, so it looks awesome in there. Not everyone has their stuff up yet, but I kind of forget about all of the projects we do until people display old models and drawings. It really is impressive. Enough about studio.
I just returned from a movie with the MFer and it was the second movie that I have seen recently that I really enjoyed. Tonight I saw "Failure to Launch," which I wasn't expecting to be that good, but I went anyway, and it was surprisingly good. I was laughing practically the whole time, which I have to admit may be attributed in part to the fact that I am rather sleep deprived and in need of some good laughing. For a romantic comedy it was very pretty heavily weighted towards the comedic side of things, which I appreciated, and who doesn't like seeing Matthew McConaughey half-naked (and Terry Bradshaw fully naked!)?
The other good movie I saw recently, was also one I had no intention of seeing, but was literally forced to watch, which was "V for Vendetta". Absolutely amazing. I have not seen a movie that well done in quite some time. Perhaps I should learn from these last couple experiences, and just let people drag me to movies more often (especially when they are paying!).
And to complete the trifecta of splendid movies I rented Equilibrium to watch tomorrow night, as C-lo mentioned he wanted to see it, and a certain brother of mine tends to rave about Christian Bale.
Battery is low, so I have to go. Hmm, what will I do with all this free time?