Apr 28, 2009 13:50
Many of these financial institutions just want to keep digging their own grave.. I swear. I've had the STi for almost two and a half years of payments, with all of them on time. I have also had to make yearly payments for property tax that the county charges my lease company... Well, these idiots over at Chase mis-applied the payment for the property tax even though it was sent in the same month as my base rent payment, and was a completely different amount as well as being labeled "Personal Property Tax". Now recently, I have (for two months) started getting bills with both my monthly rent and property tax due on them... I had called them twice to tell them the dates I made the payments for property tax. About two weeks ago, I finally got the Property tax marked as paid, they showed the prior payments and told me everything was good. This week, all of a sudden, I have been getting automated voice calls at 8am on the weekend and a new bill telling me I am late and they have applied late charges and all this crap... Apparently, when they re-aligned the property tax payment, it made me late for this month some how! Calling into the collections line required going through a long automated menu and then this jack ass on the phone telling me I needed to pay on the account first and pay a $15 phone payment fee then he would transfer me to customer service to straighten everything out, like I am some vagabond that has been late on his payment for 5 months... F'ing idiots. I finally got it straightened out and had all the late charges cleared. But I had to unexpectedly pay them an extra month rent because of their screwed up accounting.