Oct 09, 2005 08:18
So after my woah is me post the other day I figured I would post a happier one about Florida. I'm now an auntie!!!!! He's so cute too. He was born 7.5 lbs, 19.5 inches, and a head full of hair, and really big feet. I know I shouldn't all ready talk bad about my nephew but maybe the big feet are a good sign that he's going to be tall, maybe even a swimmer. It's funny how once a baby is born we take the time to plan the life we want them to live and become, just to have them decide something different anyways. Oh well. Florida was nice and warm and sunny. I actually got a tan, not super dark, but I don't look so pale and sickly, it actually makes me feel pretty good. You may not be able to tell at first, but I have the tan line to prove it. Maybe i'll starting actually going and tanning.
The beach was beautiful. White sand, blue water. Two of the days we went to the beach all we could do was walk it cause they had the red flag up, but the other time we went and found tons of really cool sea shells. They said the best time to go was after a strom, and Hurricane Katrina, and Rita had just gone through, so we hit the jackpot. People kept asking us if we bought them from one of those road side stores. Now why would you buy sea shells????? Lazy bums who won't walk the beach. I could definitly live the rest of my life on a beach. Well besides it being so insanely windy one day that sand got everywhere. I mean in my eyes, ears and hair. It took me two days to get all the sand out of my hair.
On the way there we almost missed our connection in Chicago. Our luggage didn't make it, but it was on the next flight down so we only had to wait a couple hours for it. It was a good thin we can all run decently. I wasn't sure mom was going to make it, she was pulling up the rear, but we did it, just in time too, they were making their final call for boarding. Then Mom ended up staying longer cause Theresa had to have a c-section so she asked if she would stay down longer to help out. Of course my mom said yes, why would she pass up more time with the grand baby. Oh that kid is going to be so spoiled, I can see it now. On the way back we had a five hour layover in Chicago. Then when we finally did get on the plane we must have waited another hour just to take off things were so backed up. Ben has decided he officially hates the Chicago airport and refuses to every fly into it again. He can be stubborn like that. I did get some cool pictures of Chicago flying in thought. Of the skyline and the stadium. Then I got a couple of cool ones of Anchorage at night. You know no matter how many cities I fly into at night Anchorage is still my favorite. It's just so much prettier than the rest. I think it's because we don't have any really tall building, so everything looks like it's just a blanket of stars below us in these magical beautiful colors.
Well i'm gathering up all the info I need to figure out what classes I need to get my degree. Right now i'm thinking about Business Management with a double major in Accounting, or a minor in Accounting, we'll have to see. I was going to try and get my degree online through the UA system, but I don't think that's going to really work out. I think work would be understanding and let me take classes though. There's someone in our office who's all ready doing it and a couple of days out of the week she takes off early to attend her classes. I'll just have to work a little extra on the other days of the week. But i've decided that weekend classes don't really work out for me all that well.
Well I guess that's all now. Since Florida is over I know get to save all my pennies for Las Vegas!!!!!! Oh my 21st is going to be so much fun. It's going to rock, especially if Mel doesn't decide not to come, cause if the did I would have to hunt her down and beat her up, ;). Well time to go. Peave, Love, and Vale.