Apr 18, 2005 14:56
Saturday I didn't really do a whole lot. Ben was in town working on his truck to get it ready to go out to Jim Creek Sunday. Well on his way home he stopped by the creek to see how deep it was and all that jazz. He broke his truck, so we had to convince my dad to take his out instead, which he did. So Sunday we packed up a picnic, grabbed the guns and headed out. It was a beautiful sunny day. Once we got to Ben's usual camp site we stopped, fired a couple rounds and ate. I'll be honest I was whimpering the first time I shot the hand gun and the first time I shot the rifle. Yeah shooting Bambi doesn't bother me, the gun bothers me. Anywho though that was about all there was to the weekend. It was fun though. I can't wait for the summer, lots of fishing!!!!!! YAY for Fishing!!!!!!!!