Jul 08, 2008 12:20
My paper is finished! Even better, it is sitting, waiting in the professor's desk in his office. I was determined to finish it last night even though I could have turned it in tomorrow morning. This led to me staying up until 5:30 am to finish it and promptly calling Daddy b/c I knew he was on his way to work. I talked to him for a few minutes, set my paper up to print, set my alarm for 8:30, and crashed. I work up at 9:30 to my phone ringing; not sure what happened to my alarm. Ma called me b/c she knew I worked at 10 and I had left a message on her phone telling her I had finished after I called Daddy. The next hour found me in the shower and getting dressed and getting food and going to work. Here I looked over my paper again - good think I did, sleepiness has a way of making you type things like hw instead of how and the spellchecker doesn't catch it, there were also places that were lacking sense b/c I had left out a few words. I printed it again, burned a copy to a CD, put them both in the binder and took it to the office..it is in my hands no more! Sadly I do not get to sleep until around 8 tonight after work, class, work, and a library program. I suppose I could use this time to look at what I have due for my classes this week, but instead I think I will read or do something mindless, because, honestly, I don't think any work produced in this time is going to be of any quality....Having said that, if this post is at all comprehensible, that will be something.