
Nov 22, 2008 14:48

I'm sleepy today.

We keep getting a pop-up message wanting us to update our credit card. We don't pay with a credit card. Called the provider--they have no idea why it's there and can't get it to go away. They promise they're not going to cut us off. So we'll see what happens. If anyone wants to send me anything really important, like a really good joke, though, you had best send it to my office just in case. (They have to be G-rated to come to the office, otherwise they will get blocked & I'll never see them anyway, so just hold any slightly risque jokes till we get all this sorted out.)

I went to the library today. Big deal, you say. Well, in a way, it is, because I hadn't been for several weeks. I had a sinus infection during the entire month of October, and didn't do anything other than go to work. A few days I couldn't even do that. I didn't even put up Halloween decorations, other than hanging a creature on the door, and Dan didn't come home so he wasn't there to decorate either. We're going to decorate for Xmas this weekend. Pending further disaster.

Isn't this exciting? Aren't you glad I updated?

In other news, the mechanic says the Ford is healthy. (I bet the company that built it wishes they could say the same! Ha!) I am wondering at what point we are in an official depression. Has anybody had time to look this up? I sure hope it doesn't take a world war to turn things around like it took to turn around the last depression.

We went to Perkins this a.m. and got pancakes (me) and French toast (Dan). Hadn't been there for a while either. The manager mentioned his wife has also been sick for a month; the way he described her symptoms, it sounds like the poor soul has exactly what I had in October.
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