A Little Irony is Good for Your Blood

Oct 05, 2008 10:43

In the 2004 Presidential election, the unauditable voting machines used in Ohio were made by the Diebold company, whose owner had promised to "deliver the state for President Bush." Someone certainly delivered the state for Bush, or we think they did--hard to tell when there's no audit trail--and Bush went on to serve the 2004-2009 term. Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who just happened to be a Republican, like Bush, saw nothing wrong with the Diebold promise. Blackwell also wrote a new absentee-voter law for the state. This law was duly passed.

Times changed, and the Ohio secretary of state is now a Democrat. She is, if you can believe this, actually enforcing this absentee voter law! Blackwell is therefore suing the state. Which, since he wrote the law, means he is essentially suing himself.
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