Delinquency and the ineffectiveness of perceived authority

Aug 11, 2011 16:12

 I've been watching the London (now UK) riots with interest, not least because of where they started. Quick background story is that my grandfather is rumoured to have played for Tottenham Hotspurs.

Thing is, I understand the original riot. I do not condone it in any way shape or form, but I understand it. Police shootings are such a rarity in the UK, mostly because their police do not ordinarily carry firearms. And so, when a shooting does occur, it does create a great deal of controversy.
And when it is a parent who is shot, it makes it even more horrifying.
Now, I am not saying it was justified. Nor am I saying it wasn't justified. I wasn't present at the tragedy, and I am not in judgement on the case, so I do not know the facts. That isn't my place (thankfully).

What I can say and judge is the behaviour of the rioters since that first night. Destroying the store on the corner, the one where Mum and Dad buy milk and bread on their way home from work, is not justified, nor justifiable. As for burning down KFC and McDonald's, I get why you would want to. What I do want you to consider is the 16 or 17 year old kid who works there after school so s/he can save up to buy a car, or the 19 year old who works there to have a bit of extra cash while at uni. Where does their income come from now?

As for the cops not reacting until the last 24 hours to the rioters, I've been doing some reading. It turns out that a report was released around 10 years ago. It shows that people in poorer areas of the UK see the police as a "white mans" job, and that only middle class background (and higher) people make it in. There's a definite "them and us" sentiment in regards to areas like Tottenham. 
Add to this the ethnic diversity, and you have a whole swathe of the police force who are afraid to arrest people because they don't want it to be labelled as "racially motivated", and thus thrown out of court.
The same report also discussed that the police should (simultaneously) regard every arrest as valid as any other, and they should also exercise caution when apprehending someone of a non Anglo-Saxon background.

This is what has allowed the riots to continue for so long. The constabulary are afraid to act either way, and so they don't. This allows the criminals (that's what these rioters are, let's not kid ourselves) to get away with so much, and get a slap on the wrist at the end of it. It now is a case of too little too late.

And now we get to the rioters.
I do get it, honestly. I get the fact that you are so frustrated, angry too, that you want to destroy things. I don't get that you think it okay to wilfully destroy other peoples property. I don't get that you think it okay to injure others. I do not understand an 8 year old participating in the riots - where were his parents? If his parents were also rioting, that's a great example you've set for your kid there.

I know what it is to grow up with little money - I had a heap of friends whose parents were much wealthier than mine. It doesn't mean I would have been destructive. It meant that I was determined not to be the same. And I'm not. I'm not wealthy by any means, but if my girls want new shoes, or a new shirt, they get it. I have enough. And I have it because I worked to get out of there, and my mother encouraged that. Don't blame delinquency on a lack of money. Manners cost nothing, nor does consideration of others.

The whole thing is a comedy of errors - unnecessary reactions and lack of reactions has caused this, and funding needs to go to the right places. And I tell you now, I'd willingly pay an extra $5 a week in tax to have properly equipped recreation facilities, police, socialised health, etc.

uk riots

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