Yesterday, I came across a status update of a girl who I went to school with. It turns out she's a very traditional Catholic.
Thing is, yesterday, her status read "We have equal marriage rights. Any gay man is free to marry any woman he chooses. Start hurling those tomatoes now, but the further we move away from our biology the more problems start."
Now, I'd like to put in a few disclaimers here.
I have a loved one (part of my family, in fact) who is gay.
I also have come to care deeply for an online associate who is gay.
From the descriptions that follow, anyone that knows either (or perhaps both?) will be able to tell who they are.
One of them is in a long term relationship with a Roman Catholic. His partner has a masters degree. He himself is working on his bachelors. Both are very intelligent (yeah, I admit it. He has a brain. It's just whether he chooses to use it ;) ). Both tried not to be gay. In fact, at least one (and likely both) dated women when in high school.
My other friend had intended a life in service to God. Unfortunately, his sexuality is frowned upon by his God. Or more likely his Faith. It has caused all kinds of conflicts for him. I'm almost certain he has contemplated suicide on more than one occasion, and I'm almost certain that his depression is likely rooted in this contradiction between his Faith and his biology.
Because, see, that's what it is. Biology.
I can choose my hair colour (with the help of chemicals). I can choose my eye colour (with the help of contacts). I can choose which shirt, trousers, underwear, shoes, etc I shall be wearing today. I cannot choose my sexuality.
*sigh* I don't know the right way to put this, but I'm gonna try.
What if it wasn't a law about whether a man could marry another man, or a woman another woman. What if, instead, it was defined by genetic markers? Only (natural) brunettes may marry each other. Only (natural) hazel eyed people may marry. Or that one we all are horrified by, and are glad was abolished - Only whites may marry whites, only blacks may marry blacks.
To me, there is no difference. And to even infer that sexuality is a choice is wrong.
God made my friends, loved ones, the way they are. Perhaps we should respect, understand and love Him for making that choice, perhaps we can change our laws to reflect that.
Or will we, Australia, once more lag behind the rest of the world when it comes to equality?
As an afterthought, our laws have recently changed to better accommodate de facto relationships. My loved ones are allowed to claim their partners estate automatically post mortem. However, they are not automatically entitled to each others
superannuation. Only marriage gives you that right. Perhaps, it should be changed to civil unions give you that right (including pagan handfastings), so that if we do not allow gay marriage, at the very least, they have a legally recognised right to which a married couple is automatically entitled.
Perhaps our definition of "marriage" should be changed, that it becomes a religious recognition, and if not blessed by a God (of which ever flavour you choose), it is a civil union.
Just some food for thought.