May 29, 2009 00:54
+ran into an old smfa classmate at the bus stop. he rather intimidated me at the time, seemed super critical/cocky/br00tal, but he was quite nice and seemed interested in what i was up to and all that. he used to be a security guard at faneuil and remembered the gold pirate. he has website-making skills. it was a nice little interaction, felt good
+casey's back in town, had a crazy dance party on his birthday. saw eric lee again, which was fun
-eric's roommate is a little creepy though
+might work in providence tomorrow night
-my current health insurance seems to only work for things i don't actually use , and magically disappear regarding things i need (prescription coverage and the dr appointments that lead to said prescriptions). ugh.
?yeah, hopefully i'll have access to brain-pills while out of the country, i don't want to think about trying to statue without them
+random text messages from matt at odd hours. they colour my world
+james. he's a mensch and deserves cake
+might try to go to a show this weekend. and june's baam meeting, to not lose touch completely
+actually pretty excited to move, just need to tie up some loose ends
+i forgot that my tufts i.d. says i graduate in 2010. hello another year of student discounts!
-the mission hill milk crate spot seems to no longer exist. darn
-our stands are being silly, to the point that it's dangerous to work at faneuil
+but park street's been good to us
+working the dorchester day parade in about a week, hopefully that'll go well
-some weird guy tried to either make aggressive small talk, or casually hit on me, on the b line. it was a little gross
?i haven't made any 'fine art' in a while. but i'm sure i will soon
?my diploma's sort of m.i.a. but last i heard it was just mailed, so hopefully it'll be smooth sailing from now on
?not sure if the hasidic little boy haircut will be easier to pin back/cover up than the louise brooks one...part of me wants to get rid of my bangs just to prove i can. why yes i get dorky over haircuts, cos i'm secretly vain and ridiculous
?i should probably be asleep
?i feel like i have 5659869844243970 other things hanging over my head that i need to be doing, but i can't think of what...