I had the best out-of-context religious quote *ever* used on me yesterday.
So I had been working out with
starfirenz, doing a bit of boxing with bag and focus pads. We were at the cool-down stretches part of the session. She started doing a shoulder stretch that, from the point of view of a heterosexual male, did some rather interesting things to the overall shape of her torso. So I very pointedly looked away and said something along the lines of "This is me being all gentlemanly and not checking you out, see!" (Because what's the point in being a gentleman unless the lady notices, right guys?)
At which point she smiled sweetly, said "Manish tanah, ha laila hazeh?" and went right on stretching.
I had forgotten this line from the Passover dinner a few weeks ago. She had to explain that it means, "Why is this night different from other nights?"