Title: Mitsuru's Bright Idea: Part I
Fandom: Persona 3
Pairing: Junpei/Yukari
Rating: PG-13
Author's note: Not my best and complete crack. But hey. It's one part of a whole.
One particularly unremarkable day in their favorite Dark Hour destination, Junpei had a particularly interesting suggestion. It was a suggestion that surprised Mitsuru- not because it was Junpei who had thought of it, but because the thought had never actually occurred to her before.
“Sempai, why do only four of us go up in Tartarus at once?” She hated to admit it- and that was because it was Junpei who had thought of it- but he was right. They could cover a lot more ground if all of them could go up and investigate the topless tower at once. All of them, of course, except for Fuuka. As much as she appreciated the poor girl, she wouldn’t last any longer in combat than her fine French lingerie when Akihiko was having ‘one of those days’.
So she decided that that night they would try it. All of them: Minato, Akihiko, Yukari, Shinjiro, Ken, Koromaru, Aigis, and herself would enter the tower together in one large group. Surely Minato could manage to keep everything under control, right?
“Sure,” He replied. “What could go wrong?”
“Oh no! You’ve been separated!”
“Like I couldn’t figure that one out myself!” Yukari screamed at Fuuka- which was a useless gesture considering the fact that Fuuka had selective hearing when it came to what they said up in the floors of Tartarus. Somehow she had ended up flat on her back with a massive headache and the feeling that her entire body was being crushed. Turning her head to the side and opening her eyes also seemed to be a mistake as a rush of the really bright colors of the fifth block only compounded her headache and she shut them tightly again.
“Uuuugh.” She heard from above her, causing her to tense up. Had Yukari missed the presence of a nearby shadow? Considering you couldn’t see a damn thing on this block but swirling colors anyway, she didn’t find this highly unlikely. “Why is the floor so squishy…and…” Her eyes shot open to an immediate indignant glare when she felt a distinctly human hand close around her left breast. “…lumpy?” She balled her hands into fists. Why, oh why had she decided to give back the metal-plated boob protection of that high cut armor.
Then again, wouldn’t that make this situation worse? Probably.
“Stupei. Get. Off!” She shrieked.
“Yes! Yuka-tan! Who else? Now get off!”
“In this position? You sure you want me to do that?“ It took her a few seconds to ascertain just exactly what he meant before a look of horror came over her face. With a free hand, Yukari somehow managed to remove the hat that Junpei was so rarely ever seen without and proceeded to beat him over the head with it.
“You are so disgusting!”
To her relief, Junpei finally removed himself from on top of her before they both leaned against a nearby wall. As her baseball-capped companion suggested, they would sit and wait for anyone to come by and find them- as Yukari herself could admit that they probably wouldn’t survive very long without the others. However, it was fairly boring and more than slightly awkward to sit there alone with Junpei with absolutely nothing to do. Finally, after a long time, he broke the silence.
“So. Sorry for grabbing your boob.”
“No you’re not.”
“No, but I thought you would appreciate the apology.” Yukari didn’t answer. She just shut her eyes to do the best job she could manage of blocking out the assault of neon colors on her retinas.
“You…wanna make out?” She looked at him like he had lost his mind- which, to be fair, it was Junpei. He probably did not have a mind for common sense to begin with. However, they were bored, and it would keep her mind off of these nauseating colors.
“Do anything I don’t like, and I’ll blow to the other side of Tartarus”. She, of course, meant Garudyne. He, of course, obliviously missed this.
“Is that a promise?” She grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him forcefully to where his mouth crushed against hers. Yukari noted with a touch of annoyance that the very first thing he did afterwards was check out the other breast. Regardless, he was pretty good at handling them, so she wasn’t about to complain. Well. Too much anyway.
Until he stopped and groaned.
“I’m sorry, Yuka-tan. These colors are making me sick.” She sighed heavily.
“I know. Me too.” Surprisingly, she found herself sounding frustrated.
“Um. Yuka-tan?”
“Can we try again? You know…later, I mean.” Yukari had to keep herself from laughing.
“Fine, Stupei. Fine.”