Theme: Weather.
Title: The Shortest Britannian War
Fandom: Code Geass
Characters: Cornelia, Guilford, Clovis, Euphie, Lelouch, Nunally
Rating: G
The battle was to be fierce. So fierce in fact that Princess Cornelia li Britannia would need all of her forces to keep her territory safe from enemy conquest.
"Have we gathered all the ammunition?" She addressed the blonde boy standing beside her with long hair tied back by a ribbon.
"But Corneliaaaa." He whined. "My hands are cold."
"Then you should have worn gloves, soldier!" The young girl chided her little brother. "More, ammunition, Clovis!"
"Y-yes, comander!" She watched with satisfaction as her younger brother scurried off to collect more firepower, as an older boy with long dark hair tied back in yet another ponytail with glasses ran up to her and knelt at her feet.
"Princess! The fortress is secure! The soldiers are armed." She smiled at him while he couldn't see. He didn't know it yet, but someday Guilford was going to be her knight- she just knew it. Maybe someday when they grew up, they would even get married if father would let them. When he looked up at her, she looked away- hoping he couldn't see her blush.
"Good work, Gilbert."
She stood behind the wall her troops had built- the one wall that separated her territory from the enemy- and looked out into the opposition's domain. The cold wind whipped her hair free of her tight scarf.
"Lelouch Vi Britannia!" The high pitched voice of a younger girl rang over the battlefield. "This is your last chance! Surrender or be obliterated!"
Her purpled-eyed half-brother stared back at her from behind a wall of his own, a little Nunally barely old enough to partake in this battle hiding behind the trouser leg of her general. Behind him stood the pixie-like form of her younger sister- whose long pink locks had become matted and wet in the snow. An innocent smile graced her lips as she tossed her own weapon back and forth between hands.
That was when she felt it- the cold icy sensation that started at her chest, and slid all the wat down the front of her purple battle coat.
"The commander has been hit! Princess Cornelia has been hit!" Guilford rallied her troops, and each of them gathered a weapon into their hand.
"Very well then.... Men! Fire at will!"
The sky turned white with flying spheres of packed snow in the shortest snowball war in Britannian history. For only in this epic battle, was the general on one side ever taken out by a single snowball to the head.
Cornelia and her men danced in victory, as a pink-headed princess and her youngest sister tried desperately to revive an unconscious half-brother.