Something of a Raincheck

Apr 21, 2005 13:48

Ahhh, it has been far too long since I have graced my journal with another entry. Welcome welcome . . . this might take a while.

It's a lovely thing to get back to school and then have to hit the ground running as well as have a tournament to host. Our tournament was on the 9th and 10th-two days, the first for individual events and the second for team events. Ahh, but more was afoot than tourney preparations there were officer elections to hold as well. Yes, my dear readers, I must step down from my place as VP and stand idly by (or maybe not so idle) while others take the club I have helped to build to, hopefully, new heights and glories far beyond what we have done thus far. Each time I step into the salle I am remembered of how it was when I was a freshman and met only 3-5 faces on average each night. I miss those days, those carefree days, but not too much *winks*. For now I also look upon the salle and see my fencers, my friends, my People, and there are many, many more. I digress . . . let us continue with officer elections, yes?

The night was filled with fun excitement as the fencers began to pour into the club. *smiles* It made me proud to see our area so filled (and also filled me with a smidge of anger, but that's for later). Killer and I were tallying the votes and the Vice Presidency was on the line. 3 candidates, and with each new fencer walking in we got on edge. The voting was honestly very close between the candidates. Several times in the night we were looking at each other and hoping that another fencer would pop in the Pavilion with a voting ballot so that we wouldn't have to make the judgment call. Several times when we came up with ties we recounted the votes, all-in-all we must have recounted them 6 times each at least just to make sure that the numbers we got matched up. OI, as I said, it was CLOSE . . . but in the end The Brit, Master Wild, won out over Preston and Ande, who became electric foil and electric epee armourers, respectively. A congratulations to all of the new officers, may you go FAR beyond where we have gone this year and reach new glories!!!

I would write more, I've had this screen open for a few days now telling myself that I'd finish writing all of the events up until today, but alas I have 2 midterms to study for and a tournament to attend this weekend. Of course, this means I have much more to tell you all about by next Monday. Yes, I give you my word that next Monday I'll spend my night finishing up the life-summary from the end of Election Day to the end of UCSB tourney/road trip.

As for now, I must learn about the nervous system and bases (RNA/DNA fun). I bid you all adieu until then . . .

Hey, it's been 3 years of Xanga!!! Once again, I'd like to thank Me/Lexi Her for getting me started on this (her 3rd year of Xanga was yesterday 4/20). It's amazing how much time and effort went into it all when I think about it.
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