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Apr 15, 2003 23:34

Which Video Game Console are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker
  • My #1 result for the selector, Which Video Game System are you?, is Sony Playstation 2

    I amHastur!

    The Unspeakable One is the master of those who seek to unveil the mysteries of death. It is through meditation upon the Yellow Sign that the devotee of Hastur seeks transcendence to the city-realm of dim Carcosa. Through a complex series of visualizations that expand the aspirants void-consciousness, the final age will arise. Ruled by the ominous King in Yellow, a new stage of reality will come to fruition. Of the Olde Ones, Hastur is considered to be one of the most difficult to work with, his teachings being reserved exclusively for the Cthonian Adepts and Lords.

    Which Great Old One are you?

    What's Your Movie Dream Car?

    by Auto Glass America

    Take the What
    animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

    You probably like Nu-rock & Manson more then anything else, and the only reason the word "goth" is ever attached to you is because you're ignorant friends think anything in black = goth. You're still young though, and at least you probably have a bad-ass collection of collars.

    What kind of goth are you?

    Created by ptocheia

    Who's Your Btvs/Angel Sweetheart?

    this quiz was made by Erin

    (duh! that was too easy)

    Who's Your Btvs Match?

    this quiz was made by Erin

    Which Buffy Big Bad Are You?

    this quiz was made by Erin
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