Jan 26, 2014 03:32
If only this could reach you. You were so silly.
Don't spend so much time trying to impress people. You're just fine the way you are. You have talents and opinions of your own. Believe in them and so will everyone else.
Don't apologize for who you are or the things you like
Don't wear so much make-up
Work out and eat right...don't waste that glorious youth being a fatty mclumpkins
Don't pretend to smoke to make friends...its stupid,gross, and one day will backfire and make for one of your more entertaining "most embarrassing moments" stories
Play guitar more ...get good ...i know you have it in you
Don't go to school for art....its unnecessary and will leave you broke
Expect more of people
Sing out loud in the car with marty..you know you want to
Don't believe everything you hear...people lie
Have fun and let go....its worth it
Rum and Coke will change your life
Stand up for what you want
Appreciate marty...hes the best thing to ever happen to you...love him everyday