Sep 25, 2002 19:10
I have just recently listened to one of the weirdest, possibly most genius, possibly most awful records of my life. It is the new In Flames record. I do not recall the name, my newest roommate "Joe" lent it to me. Anyways, on this record In Flames have successfully bridged the gap between metal and every genre of music that is not metal. Particularly the genres including Bad Religion and Peter Murphy. One must also not forget "Synth" pop and eastern european folk music. ? I hope to decide soon if it is the best or worst record mine ears have ever laid upon.
Also, people are being complete dick-suckers at my job tonight. What's up with that? Just because you are fat and stupid doesn't mean you have to give me a hard time because you are to stupid to comprehend simple directions. Oh well...
Sorry to the boys in blue for escapin' you, because I'm the burglar. Now imagine this: A man in the road, with a bird's head on top while you listen to crocodile rock, I'm the cat burglar, and you're shopping to get busted in your chops.