Mar 13, 2003 21:05
My boss sent me an e-mail today containg this quote:
"Hsun Tsao usually wears a red hooded sweatshirt, is Asian with broad shoulders, above average height and has a large round head.It really is large and round.. Don't let him tell you any stories. He NEVER will be allowed to get a carrel key."
It would take me quite awhile to explain the background for this, but nonetheless I can say her description of Hsun Tsao was right on the money! I especially liked the thoughtful pause after emphasizing exactly how large and round his head is. Also, I was given the impression that he is apparently able to lull a person into submission by telling them stories. I am beginning to think he is perhaps a 4,000-year old demi-lich/mummy?
Word is Bone,
leBaron von James