Roads - a lolita photo series

Jun 25, 2013 13:26

These are some of my photographs shot on my birthday. The (slightly cheesy) theme is history meets modernity.

Roads by Inky

A little about me and these photos:
I took these photos for my Photo I class as self-portraits. They are taken with a Pentax 35mm film camera. They were shot on the median of a "highway" on a bright and sunny Saturday around 3-4:30 pm.

I'm only a beginner in photography, so please feel free to give critique! Critique on posing, coord, composition, etc. is all welcome and appreciated.

I'm also sorry for the scratches/dust on my prints; I'm still not great at processing my negatives. However, I'm pretty happy with how these images turned out and I hope you enjoyed viewing them!

Coordinate breakdown:
OP: Victorian Maiden
Bag: Metamorphose
Parasol: AP

photography, *victorian maiden
