Mar 26, 2007 12:46
Letting Go of Old Beliefs
"Try harder. Do better. Be perfect.
These messages are tricks that people have played on us. No matter how hard we try, we think we have to do better. Perfection always eludes us and keeps us unhappy with the good we've done.
Messages of perfectionism are tricks because we can never achieve their goal. We cannot feel good about ourselves or what we have done while these messages are driving us. We will never be good enough until we change the messages and tell ourselves we are good enough now.
We can start approving of and accepting ourselves. Who we are is good enough. Our best yesterday was good enough; our best today is plenty good too.
We can be who we are, and do it the way we do it - today. That is the essence of avoiding perfection.
God, help me let go of the messages that drive me into the crazies. I will give myself permission to be who I am and let that be good enough"
I need to realize this before i get to hard on myself. if I'm trying to work on a aspect of myself which I've had all my life and just slip into it I get pissed at myself for not knowing better...
I shouldnt have let this get to me...i shouldnt have gotten angry.... I shouldnt have and endless seies of shoulds and shouldnts on myself which all point to me wanting to be more than I am at the time or ever will be which is perfect...
I guess whn I fail at the unreasonable expectation i put on myself it kick starts the old tapes from my childhood that I hear so often.
I've been told that's a great way to sabotage myself
so that part of having permission to be who i am in this moment and that it's good enough really helps at this time
after all when i knock myself for not being pissed off about something someone said at a meeting and then getting down on myself for it
I'm not giving myself the credit I do deserve like hey I'm still clean and at the meeting which when i really look at the biggest part of it all.
just rambling as usual