Dec 07, 2008 22:15
So after months of not singing I decided to audition for Cinderella at the G n S Society out here in Halifax. Which is not a G and S show... what's with that?
Anyway... the audition was today in the gym of a church not too far from my place. But it was (and still is) pouring rain so Nick drove me and then decided to come in and sit and wait. Everyone who wasn't auditioning (or was waiting TO audition) sat in a little room just off the gym... but you could hear everything that was going on in the gym. The music, the conversations... everything.
There were only three of us waiting in the room. I went first, and after I sang (Girl in 14G)... they had another girl who was about my age come in to read some scenes with me. She was pretty cool. Her boyfriend was waiting in the little side room also.
Now... apparently when she left the little room and came in to join me....
After a few minutes of dead silence her boyfriend turned to Nick and said "You're girlfriend is better than my girlfriend". To which Nick replied... "Oh.... okay". Followed by more silence.
What a weird thing to say?
Part of me thinks that Nick is making it up. But I think it's funny anyway.
(Side note... I went into the audition assuming I would either be considered for.. or cast for the part of Cinderella. But the director told me before I left that she got an Ugly Step Sister vibe from me. And it is apparently a decently large and really comedic role. On one hand it is slightly disappointing to know that she doesn't see the lead role... but on the other hand FUCK I have been waiting such a long time to play something other than a blonde soprano.