Feb 21, 2008 18:37
Title: Unlucky Episode. (pt 5/?)
Pairing: Slash--otherwise, it's a secret ^.^
Author: Alanwolfmoon
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Written as an episode in the fourth season, except House is the patient.
Disclaimer: MINE! ALL MINE!....uh, no. Not mine.
Notes: Reviews and flames alike are welcome. (They make it look like I'm writing fast) And now for the reason I haven't been answering all the "where's wilson?" comments. No, I didn't just ignore you all. ; )
Wilson sighed, hand on the door to House’s room.
He had been avoiding this for too long, he hadn’t wanted to see his friend hooked up to wires and monitors yet again. But what kind of friend didn’t visit when you were having multiple seizures in a day, couldn’t talk, couldn’t stand, couldn’t so much as keep your food down?
House looked like he was asleep, but as Wilson slide the door open, House blinked, looking at him.
Wilson smiled briefly, walking in and sitting down on the chair next to House’s bed.
House watched him, and Wilson braced himself internally, expecting House to be annoyed by the lack of visitation.
Instead, House looked amused, as Wilson handed him his phone, set to display the keyboard.
‘Before you apologize, I would just like to remind you that after dragging me back to the hospital with a pneumothorax when my lung got biopsied, you told me that you were sick of me being sick, and that you were going to get a dog with kidney disease that needed dialysis and save yourself the trouble of being a proxy so often.’
Wilson blinked. Then he grinned. House got why he hadn’t come by.
“Yeah, well, the pet store was out, so you’ll just have to do for now.”
House laughed.
Then the laugh turned into a cough, and he ended up gasping and shaking, hand on his chest.
Wilson frowned, whipping out his stethoscope and placing it on house’s back.
“Deep breath?”
House inhaled.
“Let it out?”
He exhaled.
He got half a breath in, then started coughing again.
Wilson grabbed the oxygen mask off the hook, opened the valve on the tank, and held it over house’s mouth and nose.
House’s hand came up to replace his, and Wilson let go, allowing house to hold the mask himself.
“I’m going to page Foreman, kay?”
House nodded tiredly, resting back against the raised head of his bed as he sucked in air from the mask between coughs.
As Wilson dialed Foreman’s pager number with house’s room phone, they heard a ringing sound from just down the hallway.
Five seconds later, Foreman had appeared in the doorway, still looking at his pager.
“What... oh. Damn.”
He turned around, calling for a nurse, then looked back at House.
“What happened?”
House rolled his eyes, jerking his right thumb at Wilson.
Foreman switched his focus to Wilson.
“What happened?”
“He started coughing, couldn’t get enough air. There’s not much fluid buildup, anyway.”
Foreman nodded, putting his stethoscope on house’s chest.
House tried to take a deep breath, but it was too difficult to not cough.
“Yeah, not good.”
He sighed, shaking his head.
“This definitely isn’t the aldrin. Page me if he gets worse while you’re here, I’m going to get an icu set up.”
Wilson nodded as Foreman left, then looked back at his friend.
House had closed his eyes, pressing his head back into the pillows.
Wilson touched his arm, which jerked away, but did get him to open his eyes.
“Sorry... just... are you ok?”
House quirked an eyebrow.
“I mean, are you handling this ok?”
House paused, then nodded, gesturing for the phone, which was too far away from his right hand for him to reach.
Wilson handed it to him.
‘Yeah. I’m ok. Srsly.’
Wilson laughed a little, eyes still sad.
“Ok House.”
House looked at him, frowning beneath the mask.
Wilson shrugged.
“Sorry. I just... I just hate seeing you like this.”
House nodded.
‘I know you do. But you’re not acting like you usually do. You’re not trying vainly to cheer me up and get me to fight whatever it is.’
Wilson sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, “It’s weird, I guess... somehow it feels like you’re already fighting this time around. I don’t know, maybe it’s just cus this time you’ve got a doctor who’s actually standing up to you.”
House blinked, tilting his head.
‘Cuddy stood up to me.’
Wilson shook his head.
“Not in the way I’m talking about. She didn’t do it to your face, she didn’t do it so it affected your thoughts, just your body.”
House blinked repeatedly, thinking.
‘That’s true. That’s very true.’
Wilson looked at him oddly.
“Now you’re the one not acting like yourself.”
House smirked a little beneath the mask.
‘Yeah, well maybe that’s cus I’m not all depressed this time around. Just sick.’
Wilson blinked. Then he smiled.
“I’m glad. You’re no fun when you’re all depressed.”
House laughed between coughs.