I am proud to announce a new Livejournal Community that I've started to bring more Snape to the world.
Severmore Quite a few people have joined and helped in the design of the layout, and I want to thank from the bottom of my heart the Anonymous Doner who gave us 6 months of a paid account! Thank you, friend!!!
There are so many things we could do with this community, from contests to posting icons/art/fiction/graphics, and especially discussion with a wider group of Snape fans.
In no way am I trying to compete with any other groups, such as Snapedom on InsaneJournal, and my philosophy is that there can never be "too many" Snape groups. I just had the idea and wanted to make sure we could own the name "Severmore" before someone else snapped it up.
Suggestions are certainly welcome, so please post them below or send me a message. I especially hope some of you icon/graphics makers will join!
Severmore is a moderated community, meaning that everyone who tries to join will be screened at the present time. The bottom line is that no one unknown to the Maintainers will be able to make a post, although they can certainly comment. This is a public group and anyone may click "Watch this Community" at the top of the main page. However, trolls are not welcome and will not be tolerated, nor do I wish there to be huge angry discussions about how I need to be "fair" to people who hate Snape. Severmore is a Fan Group, so basically only fans need apply.