Nov 21, 2004 14:04
I'm actually quite happy now.
For one, I'm getting along with Sam the best we have since we broke up. We're not fighting now. We talked last night, about what we did, what's gone on, then we just joked around. So that war is over.
Then Nikki is getting on today! <3 My Pooky. We're doing so good so far. I'm glad I'm with her, and I hope we last awhile. She's so sweet to me. Oh, and good luck with that phone bill. =( If you get that taken away, I don't know what we'll do. Wonder if I could ever call your house line. You'll have to find that out. But with how your Mom knows how we are, maybe she'll be nice and let you keep yours. I'll get mine, eventually. I'll try to get your service, so it can be free. ;D Well, if your service has that. I know Alltel does. No one knows about Alltel, that depresses me. It's not in every state though, so I wouldn't expect them too. It's not even available in the western states. Hopefully, everything will come together for us. We've been lucky so far. I got you, after all. Love you Nikki. <3
I helped Mike get an LJ, too. Well, I bugged him enough, then the fact that everyone has one, he thought he should. So he owes me now. =;
Besides all this, and me just talking to people in YGO, I'm just sitting here staring at my hermit crab, that I brought up here to my Grandmas. I showed him to her, and she freaked out. I had two, until the one died. He never came out enough, got dirty, and suffocated in his shell. But this one is always out. Actually, he can't even get into the shell. He's too big for it, and he's a picky little fucker, and won't go to any of the other shells. I think he might be stuck in there though. =(