Oct 29, 2010 20:03
I'm writing this on my new laptop! It's awesome and I love it! It is mostly the same as my old one (the 13" macbook) just the four-years-later version. The old one has been slowing down for the last six months or so, and in the last two months it's been turning itself off at random intervals and the fan is louder than the TV! I'm slightly nonplussed by the fact that this is completely silent!
On stroke med/neurology placement at the moment. I like it! It's kinda difficult, neuro boggles me at the best of times, but I'm slowly getting my head round it and everyone on the ward is nice which is good. I put an NG tube in today! And translated for a stroke patient and the foundation doctor (lots of practice understanding dysarthria in the nursing home!) This weekend I should be doing my SSC (3000 word essay, I'm doing the basic science of dystonia. Eep. I really wanted to do something a)easier and b) more common but it has to be based on a case study and all of the current patients on the ward are either unwell or don't want to talk to students. Lady with dystonia it is!