Sep 28, 2007 17:15
PS I was going to voice post about this last night when it happened, but then I did not. Funny how that happens, eh?
Anyway, I left work last night just as the sun was sinking toward the clouds over New Jersey. (Hey, also funny how the sun sets so much earlier now. And rises late! I am not used to it being quite so twilit when I wake up. Must readjust.) After a quick stop at Duane Reade (contact lens solution, why are you so expensive?) I headed east on 34th. The sun by this time was low enough that all of the buildings were in shadow, even the top of the Empire State. And then I saw this plane - it was flying north so it must've just taken off from JFK - and as it became visible for a few seconds between buildings, it was high enough that the setting sun lit it up all orange and liquid gold.
It was the briefest, most startlingly beautiful moment. I kept waiting for another plane to fly past that gap, but no luck. Oh well. Chalk one up for serendipity.