Aug 15, 2011 11:34
Been busy... and most of my life is discussed on Facebook these days but I suppose it is time to update my LJ.
For those who aren't on my FB feed you probably have no idea that I'm now in a long-distance relationship. I didn't think I would consider one of those considering how frustrating they can be but I think that I was just tired of being alone and dealing with the asshats locally. I found someone special who loves and adores me for me and I rather be with in a relationship far away with someone special than continue the bullshit dating routine here in MD. I was like a 15 year old about it. I was kind of like...well, what if I said that I wanted you to be mine kind of deal. Thankfully this wonderful man didn't reject me and has made me feel nothing but happy since that night he agreed to be mine.
None of my usual baggage is coming up and that is pretty impressive considering the distance between us. Maryland is a long way from Texas. :( 1,300 miles to be exact. *sigh* BUT! In 17 more days I will be on a plane to see my baby. This is going to be the longest 17 days of my life. LOL. At least I have work to keep me busy and then preparing for the trip. Need to buy a few things. Thankfully my acupuncturist, Bill, being the wonderful man he is agreed to check in on my baby kitties for me. So I don't have to lug them to my parents house. September 1st is going to be one long ass day since I work then will be flying out that evening. I probably will be too excited to be worn down by fatigue. At least I hope so.
So that is pretty much the state of my life at the moment. I took the GRE on August 6th and failed miserably to be sure. I guessed through all the math questions. Maybe I will have lucked out and have a good enough score to apply for graduate school. If not, I'm resigned to waiting another year and taking GRE preparatory classes and retaking the test. Unfortunately, I will not know anything more about how I scored until close to November. :(
I should probably get back to work but life is good. I'm feel more happy and content than I ever recall feeling in a long, long time.