Jun 05, 2007 13:45
Okay. It's been long enough now that I can tell you this story, and laugh about it..
It started on a day when Thedrelle brought groceries home. Like most shopping, I was the one to put things away. Among the food was a twelve-pack of cream soda, and since there was only a little room in the fridge I emptied the box into the fridge:
Like most people, I don't have the patience to move the cans just two at a time. AND like all of the shortcuts people take, carrying three or four cans seems harmless, until the one time it's not..
You only realize the folly of this when you drop one. That is to say, not that it dropped, dented, and you couldn't drink that one for days.. No! It happens when you drop it in just that special way that the dent evolves into pin-prick holes. Through which, the freshly shaken fizzy beverage can escape..
Now, because you don't like getting sticky, your reflex is to jump back! It only takes about .5 seconds to realize what a bad idea that is, and you rush back in the stop the fine sugary mist covering your kitchen.
It's amazing how much ground cream soda can cover in .5 seconds. I think I finally got up all of the sticky spots, I think..
(BTW: A husband finds this much more amusing. I was licked on the arm, and complemented on my tastiness.)