Aug 08, 2010 14:54
Last night we decided we needed a bigger cooler. We first went to K-Mart because it was closest. They didn't have any larger than a lunch box. Target was the same. Walmart only had styrofoam ones and Lowes just had the ones for drinks. We were about to give up but decided to try Dick's and they had some large nice coolers, so we got one. As it turned out, this one was so big that we didn't need the separate one for soda, everything fit and stayed super cold.
We were on the road at 8:30 this morning. We took 95/93 up as far as Portland and then took 1 along the ocean through all the pretty little towns. As we were driving, i saw a sign for H.O.M.E. and had Ron pull over. We always used to stop there when we came to Maine and it seems that not much has changed there though they didn't have finger puppets anymore. We did get Ron a quart of syrup though. It was kind of strange driving through Ellsworth and comparing memory versus actual and with the application of 15+ years impacting both.
We found our campground without too much difficulty. The lady who checked us in was a bit of a flake and kept messing everything up. We were lucky with our campsite though. Our big tent just fits in the space though it is not fully staked down due to rocks. Many others are smaller or have small wooden decks, and that wouldn't work at all with our tent.
After dinner we went on a walk. The map is not accurate so for a bit we went in the wrong direction. We turned around and were able to find the Bass Harbor lighthouse. I climbed down on the rocks and put my feet in the water. It felt so good though the water is no warmer in August than it was in early July when we used to go.
We can hear the buoy bells from the water here. They sound like a cross between windchimes and church bells.